Herminio Portell Vila, A Great Cuban Teacher and Historian, 90
Published: Friday, January 17, 1992
Published: Friday, January 17, 1992
Nota": Herminio Portell Vila fue el mentor de mi padre, Don Pedro Perez Gonzalez, papa jugaba muy bien al squash y al tennis en su epoca juvenil, tenia un grupo de amigos que jugaban los fines de semana en el Club "Cupanair" fundado por los pilotos de Pan American Airlines, el club estaba entrando por Kholy debajo del puente de la calle 23, en el Bosque de La Habana a la ribera de el "Rio Almendares (entonces una corriente de agua limpia donde navegabamos en botes de remos y canoas, explorando un mundo ecologico maravilloso en el centro de la ciudad). Un hermoso club, muy moderno en sus campos deportivos y taquillas super limpias. Aqui conocio papa a Don Herminio Portell Vila y comenzaron una estrecha amistad, Don Herminio un gran historiador y maestro cubano formaba parte de los partidos de "dobles" los sabados de ma~nana con papa. Don Herminio tenia muchos amigos en el tope de la sociedad economica cubana y fue quien recomendo a mi padre, entonces tambien un joven maestro de escuela dirigiendo su propia escuela "LA NUEVA ESCUELA" (donde yo naci) en el barrio obrero de La Ceiba, en Marianao. Papa fue presentado por Portell Vila a los socios del conocido Bufete de abogados, Nu~nez Mesa y Machado. Alli los dosctores Mario Nu~nez Mesa y Luis Machado rapidamente lo contrataron para manejar complicadas administracioines judiciales. Unos a~nos depues mi padre se convirtio en el "guru" de las quiebras (recuperacion o liquidacion) de grandes negocios cubanos, trabajando para bancos nacionales y extranjeros de primera linea y las juzgados de bancarrota quienes siempre lo contrataban para casos importantes en todo el territorio de Cuba.
Yo conoci muy bien a don Herminio y lo visite con papa ya en el exilio en su oficina en el Banco Mundial, en Washington, D.C. a mediados de los a~nos 60.
Que dios lo tenga en su seno y quiero aqui expresar nuestras gracias por haber comenzado la carrera en los negocios "big time" de nuestra familia. Gracias y un abrazo bien fuerte a Don Herminio, estoy seguro que papa lo habra buscado en el cielo a donde llego unos a~nos ante y ya tendria preparado un grupo de angeles anmigos para jugar un duro partido de dobles al squash en las canchas del club Cupanair del cielo.
Epitafio de Don Herminio Portell Vila
Herminio Portell Vila, a Cuban historian of Cuban-United States relations who taught Fidel Castro, gave him some unheeded advice and left Cuba after the rebel leader seized power
Died on Monday at his home in Miami. He was 90 years old.
The cause of death was not immediately disclosed.
Dr. Portell Vila taught at the University of Havana and was on the city' auth www.nytimes.com http:>The British historian Hugh Thomas wrote in his 1971 book "Cuba: or The Pursuit of Freedom" that "in the early summer of 1953 the historian Portell Vila was sitting in a bar in Havana when a young ex-pupil of his at the university, passing by, told him that he was planning an attack" on a military installation of the Batista Government.
Professor Thomas wrote that "Portell Vila tried to dissuade the conspirator" -- Mr. Castro -- "but he was adamant, explaining how the attack would be a great moral blow against the regime." He led the assault soon afterward, it failed, and he was imprisoned until 1955.
After Mr. Castro took power in 1959, he worked to end the freedom of the University of Havana, and Dr. Portell Vila moved to the United States, where he worked for the Voice of America and did more writing.
He is survived by his wife, Maria Teresa, and a brother, Alejandro, of Miami.
The cause of death was not immediately disclosed.
Dr. Portell Vila taught at the University of Havana and was on the city' auth www.nytimes.com http:>The British historian Hugh Thomas wrote in his 1971 book "Cuba: or The Pursuit of Freedom" that "in the early summer of 1953 the historian Portell Vila was sitting in a bar in Havana when a young ex-pupil of his at the university, passing by, told him that he was planning an attack" on a military installation of the Batista Government.
Professor Thomas wrote that "Portell Vila tried to dissuade the conspirator" -- Mr. Castro -- "but he was adamant, explaining how the attack would be a great moral blow against the regime." He led the assault soon afterward, it failed, and he was imprisoned until 1955.
After Mr. Castro took power in 1959, he worked to end the freedom of the University of Havana, and Dr. Portell Vila moved to the United States, where he worked for the Voice of America and did more writing.
He is survived by his wife, Maria Teresa, and a brother, Alejandro, of Miami.
Exelente articulo ,Portel ES EL CUBAMNO!