Published: Nov. 2 2009
Este articulo que he encontrado por casualidad en Google Chrome (Guantanamo search) se refiere a un dia, el 3 de Febrero de 1959, hace ya mas de 50 a~nos. Cuando Fidel Castro hizo su primer discurso anti imperialista despues de solo 34 dias en el poder.
PLP (de 19 a~os de edad) en compa~nia de su padre Pedro Perez Gonzalez, su primo Johnnie Becerra y un grupo de funcionarios de la empresa se encontraban en el balcon del segundo piso de las oficinas de la Guantanamo Sugar Company observando este increible espectaculo donde miles de Cubanos deliraban frente a su semi Cristo, su mesias que resulto peor que un profeta loco.
En el extenso discurso de mas de tres horas, un joven Fidel se enardecia atacando los planes del Imperio Yankee de invadir a Cuba desde la Base Naval solo a unos cuantos kilometros de distancia de la ciudad de Guantanamo.
Papa me comento que ahora ya sabia que ocurririan una de cuatro situaciones con la falsa Revolucion:
1- Nos matarian
2- Iriamos presos (lo cual le ocurrio a el despues de un a~no)
3- Nos tendriamos que ir de Cuba
4- Nos moririamos de hambre
Sobre las primeras 3 situaciones no tendriamos control, pero el se aseguraria que no nos murieramos de hambre. Asi surgio en nuestra casa en Barandilla una huerta gigante (nombrada LA REFORMA AGRARIA), papa trajo un tractor y cosechamos: Lechugas, n~ames, malangas, papas, platanos de todo tipo (manzanos, machos, etc.) y frutas, limones, naranjas, los mangos mejores de La Habana (famosos de Barandilla) y muchas cosas mas.
Nuestra historia fue como la de mas de dos millones de Cubanos que tuvimos que salir de nuestra patria, pero gracias a la vision de mi querido padre, la familia que quedo atras cuidandonos la casa de Barandilla jamas se murio de hambre. De alli se cultivaron y comieron varias generaciones las frutas y hortalizas sembradas con mucho amor y con la prevision del hambre, la miseria y los trabajos que el comunismo traeria al pueblo de Cuba.
Increible como inexorablemente la historia nos persigue.
Articulo en ingles de la Revista Venceremos de Guantanamo.
"50th Anniversary of Fidel’s first visit to Guantanamo"
By Rodny Alcolea
Guantanamo, Cuba, Feb 3(Venceremos digital edition) 34 days after the triumph of the Revolution, Fidel Castro, delivered a speech in front of a great crowd in the old Commerce School, today the Economy Polytechnic Asdrubal Lopez, he expressed the conviction of “fighting till death if any foreign force would try to attack the country”.
It was February 3rd 1959; we were living the contradictions between the Cuban government and the brutal giant neighbour of the North that suffered for loosing each of its neo-colonial interests in the island. Fidel visits Guantanamo for first time. The leader is welcomed with applauses and exclamations, everybody wants to greet, salute and hear the Commander in Chief of the Revolution that came down the mountain bringing a future for the population; never before there was such popular concentration in Guantanamo.
Fidel arrives in Sierra Maestra plain to Los Caños airport (today Mariana Grajales), since there he heads to the city, greeting thousand of children, men and women that since very early in the mourning crowded the streets where he passed trough.
The official welcoming takes place in the Spanish Casino, today the Culture House, in front of Jose Marti’s park, the national hymn is chanted, poems are devoted to him.
Guantanamo population follows the rebel caravan till the tribune located in the Commerce School, in front of February 24th Park. The Chief of the Revolution denounces the Great Empire’s plans of destroying the Revolution, his words rebounds in the doors and windows of the building that by that time was in front of Guantanamo Sugar Company.
His ideas and words are still effective, and will always be: Cuba is revolutionary and socialist and is also an example for the world; after 50 years Cuba is still fighting for Fidel’s ideals and the people follows the leader of the Cuban Revolution with the same confidence or even more than they did 50 years ago.
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